My son is doing a report on the country of Wales for his 6th grade class. Part of the assignment is to recreate the flag's country in a creative way. Some kids brought in cakes with the frosting decorated like their flags, and other's have done macaroni glued renditions.
All my son would say is "I don't want it to look like anybody else's."
Inside I'm thinking... "Great. Ummmmm... got nothing."
Then I looked at the flag and realized that we had a complex dragon to deal with. Why couldn't he have chosen a country with an easy striped flag? But since the assignment was looming over our heads we got creative and decided to try our hand at paper quilling. It was a lot more time intensive than we anticipated, and we ended up going through all the red paper we had in the house to complete the dragon. (I'm going to say it was a creative choice and he's "variegated" on purpose!) Overall, I think my son did a great job, and it definitely won't look like anybody else's. :) Yea, Wales!
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