Friday, April 7, 2017

Smile... {Frame it! Friday}

Smile... it makes people wonder what you're up to.

Doesn't it just make your day when someone smiles at you? Are you having a rough time and need a reason to smile? Maybe this saying will help. It's one of my favorites.

 "Smile... it makes people wonder what you're up to." 

Obviously, if we dig a little deeper, and take a few minutes to count our blessings, finding a reason to smile shouldn't be all that difficult. (I highly recommend you do that, it's always a good idea to practice being thankful, it can really change our outlook on life!) 

I really like the idea that I can smile for no other reason than because I may be "up to something". Maybe I like the hint of mystery and intrigue. Maybe I don't want others to think I'm too predictible. Maybe I just like to keep people guessing. Or maybe it's just really, really fun to smile at people and let them wonder why. Sometimes, you even get a smile back, which is a beautifully contagious thing.(It really IS fun, you should try it!) 

This week's {Frame it! Friday} is dedicated to all those who need a smile; both those who are smiling at others, and those being smiled at. :)  Have a great weekend, and remenber that this printable is free, so simply print, frame, and enjoy. See you next week. Happy Smiling.

Printable quotes about smiling.

To print, click HERE

{Frame it! Friday} is a weekly event! Please follow me
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  1. This would fit perfectly in my room :)

  2. Thank you for hosting another wonderful link-up!

  3. I can't believe I missed this one last Friday! As always - love your printables!

  4. So much fun, thanks for sharing at #HandmadeMonday

  5. Saw this printable and knew I had to put it by my front door to remind me to smile no matter where I am heading off to. Thank you for sharing.

    1. My son felt the same way, he wanted it in his room. :)


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Thanks for stopping by -Julie